What is Safeguarding?
Due to technical issues our My Care portal is not functioning at present.
We are working to restore the portal.
If possible, please delay reporting of safeguarding online until the system returns to operation,
however if you need to make a safeguarding report for a resident, please use our manual reporting forms available here
If there is a particularly urgent issue,contact our Social Care Contact Centre on 0191 643 2777 during office hours
What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding means to live free from harm, abuse and neglect.
It is about protecting people’s health and wellbeing, and their right to safety, respect and dignity.
Reporting safeguarding concerns
To report concerns about abuse or neglect of an adult with support needs (including self-neglect):
- Click here if you are a professional
- Click here if you are a member of the public
If you need to discuss your concerns, or flag your contact as particularly urgent, telephone our Social Care Contact Centre on 0191 643 2777 during office hours.
If you have an urgent concern outside office hours, call 0330 333 4745.
If someone is in immediate danger, please contact 999 first.
Information, resources and policies
The North Tyneside Safeguarding Adults Board is a partnership between public services in the borough, working together to stop the abuse and neglect of adults with care and support needs.
Their website provides information, resources and policies about preventing abuse or neglect.
Visit the website here