
Who to contact if you are concerned about your child's health or development
All babies and young children progress differently. However, you may be worried that your child is developing at a different pace to other children, or not how you would expect.
You can share your concerns with your GP or the Childrens Public Health Service 0-19 team. They will assess the health, learning and development of your child. If they have any concerns, they will discuss them with you.
Childrens Public Health Service 0-19 includes health visitors, public health school nurses, midwives and child development practitioners.
The Early Years Child Alert can be completed by parents/carers, early year providers, schools, non healthcare professionals to inform the council of a child aged between 0-5 years (preschool) who may require additional strategies or intervention at home or in an early years preschool setting.
Early Years SEND Duty Helpline Offering advice and guidance on all matters relating to SEND and inclusion in Early Years 08:30-12:00 (daily)
Telephone: 0191 643 3730
North Tyneside's Early Years Partnership - services supporting under 5's
The Early Years Partnership is a group of professional teams who work together to support young children under 5 years old (not in their Reception year).
Children might need extra help to access a nursery, with learning or other interventions before they start or during their time in early years settings or nursery schools.
The teams include:
· Portage and Pre-School Home Teaching Service: Support children from birth to 3 years who have two or more significant areas of development delay. Whilst working in partnership alongside their families and educators, children are supported with play, learning and transitioning into nursery.
· Early Years Inclusion Service: Support Early Years practitioners in developing their team's confidence and expertise to help children (birth to 4 years, not in their Reception year) with SEND. Working together with parents/carers to ensure they understand how their child's needs are being met, and provide access to a key professional for support.
· Early Years Communication Outreach Team: Support educators and children in settings, the school year they turn 4 years old. They help children to use and understand spoken language and support social communication skills
· North Tyneside Sensory Service: Support children who have a diagnosis of a hearing and / or visual impairment
· Primary Outreach for Under 5's: Support young children with social and emotional challenges to prepare them for their school life.
· Educational Psychology Service: Educational Psychologists (EPs) are specially trained in child development and understanding children and young people’s educational needs. In the Early Years Partnership, the Educational Psychology Service will work with settings to help them identify their strengths, areas they wish to develop and consider next steps. This is with the aim of supporting the early years as a whole.