Leisure activities and things to do

Organisations offering activities and leisure opportunities


Active North Tyneside aims to get residents of North Tyneside to be more physically active and feel the benefits of living a longer, healthier life. Telephone: (0191) 643 7171

The Alan Shearer Centre is a specialist respite, residential and social facility for people with complex disabilities and acute impairments. Telephone: (0191) 264 8925

Autism better together regular drop-in sessions are held for those who are autistic and their families and care givers in North Tyneside. Email: waynetaylor@autismbettertogether.org

Beach Access North East provides free-hire equipment to support people with physical disabilities, which allows them to enjoy as much freedom and independence as possible. Telephone: 0300 999 4444

Beacon Hill Arts is a multi-award winning training and production organisation for filmmakers who have learning difficulties, autism and additional needs. Telephone: (0191) 580 7000

The Calvert Trust provides a wide range of outdoor activities situated at Exmoor, Kielder and the Lake District. Telephone: 0159 876 3221 (Exmoor) | 0143 425 0232 (Kielder) | 0176 877 2255 (Lake District)

Cinema Card the CEA card is a national card scheme developed for UK cinemas that enables a disabled cinema guest to receive a complimentary ticket for someone to go with them when they visit a participating cinema. 

Danceplex inclusive dance classes for children and adults across North Tyneside.  Email: stephdanceplex@outlook.com  or Telephone: 07841373232

Discover Me Is North Tyneside's young people's recovery college for 16-25 year olds.  Inclusive sessions with a focus on discovering enjoyment, improving confidence and self-esteem. Email sarah.bell@voda.org.uk

Hadrian Leisure Centre additional needs swim sessions take place every Saturday, 5-6pm. Drop in session; booking not required. Call 0191 643 2025 for more information. Normal admission charges apply.

Inclusion Sports Foundation (Hadrian FC) Football for all at Tyne Met Gymnasium, NE28 9NL. Sessions: Thursday 18.00-19.00  for 5 - 15 year olds  and  Wednesdays 18.00-19.00. for 16 years + Email: derek@inclusionfootballuk.com  or Telephone: 07832860789

LD North East supports people from birth to older life with a learning disability and other needs to live life to the full.  We can support with volunteering, to improve health and wellbeing, Manage everyday tasks at home and in the community, meet up with friends and an opportunity to take part in activities. Telephone: (0191) 262 2261

LD North East Early Years Inclusive Sensory Sign and Play. Term time Thursdays 10-11am.  The Parks Sports Centre (soft play), North Shields.  Email: sam.coats@ldne.org.uk

LD North East Early Years Sensory Stay and Play.  Term time Mondays 12.30-14.30,  Wednesdays 13.00-15.00, Thursdays 12.30-14.30.  At LD North East, Wallsend. Email: sam.coats@ldne.org.uk

Living Well North Tyneside  help for residents to find out what’s happening in their local area and help them access information, advice, support as well as events and activities to help them live well. access social media by searching @LivingWellNT

MOVErs and Explorers  pre-school support group at Percy Hedley School providing a range of fun, nurturing, sensory based programmes. It utilises Movement Opportunities Via Education and aims to work in partnership with parents to provide high quality early years education to develop their child’s physical, cognitive, social and communication skills via explorative play.

Newcastle United Disabled Supporters Association (NUDSA) represents the interests of the disabled supporters of Newcastle United Football Club. They aim to promote interest in football and improve the facilities and transport available to disabled supporters.

Newcastle United Foundation is an independent registered charity supported by Newcastle United Football Club. They are committed to helping people of all ages achieve their goals through the local passion for football. Telephone: 0844 372 1892

North East Autism Society parent and toddler group for children 5 and under going through the diagnostic process or with a diagnosis of autism.  Contact:  Rebecca Welch on 07468861933 or email Rebecca.welch@ne-as.org.uk 

North Tyneside Disability Forum is a registered charity that aims to ensure disabled people are able to participate on equal terms in society as able decision makers. Telephone: (0191) 466 1667

Out Of Sight  supporting visually impaired children and families in North Tyneside providing free of charge, crafting and sensory events and short-break holidays (limited to members who have children aged 0-18 with a visual impairment living in North Tyneside)  Telephone: 07966097662 or 0191 4477360

Pathways 4 All / Tim Lamb Centre is a 'parent-led' charity that provides leisure and social opportunities for children with disabilities and additional needs in North East England. Telephone: (0191) 266 5233

Parasport aims to encourage disabled people to take up sport by providing information about sports and sporting opportunities in local areas in a clear, easy-to-use format. Telephone: (020) 7842 5789

Purebuzzin beekeeping workshops where you can delve into the world of honeybees and take an active role as a beekeeper at their community apiary. Based at the Meadow Well Connected centre in North Shields.

Quadrant Leisure Community Pathway programme offers a variety of SEND focused activities for children and young people aged 8 to 25 with mild to moderate additional needs or Disabilities.These include our SEN HUBS for young people to meet, socialise outside school, form new friendships, and acquire the skills necessary to become more confident and independent.SEN Fitness Sessions: aimed at helping all young people improve the physical wellbeing by attending our gym facility with a special SEN Fitness Package.SEN Kitchen Workshops giving young people experience of catering and a taster of a job in the food/hospitality industry. Telephone 07886 750916

Ramsey's Theatre Stars exploring the art of performing for the stage and screen. Based in Wallsend & Tynemouth we do have a specific SEND class, that is structured with more of a set routine and visual prompts. Telephone: 07917206673

Shiremoor Adventure Playground is a community-based inclusive adventure playground, catering for children and young people of all abilities. Play sessions for children with additional needs and their families take place every Sunday, and also on Mondays in school holidays.   Check the Shiremoor Playground Facebook page for up to date information and to book a session. Telephone: (0191) 643 8300

Smile Through Sport is a non-profit organisation that combines the services of inspirational speaking, training courses and disability sport development to provide a bespoke service to suit every need.Telephone: (01670) 457 757

Spectrum Holidays specialise in providing autism friendly holiday accommodation around the UK. They work with existing holiday home owners and providers to make their properties more accessible to families with autistic dependants.  Each holiday home is provided with a Spectrum Pack of sensory toys and resources along with everything you need to make your holiday a success for all the family. 

Support for Parents living with Autism and other Related Conditions (SPARCS) is a support group for parents/carers and families living with autism and other related conditions.  The aim of SPARCS is to run regular events and activities in the local community for parents and carers to attend with their children, in line with their individual interests and stages of development.  Activities include youth clubs, outdoor activities a, day trips and stay and play sessions email sparcs@yahoo.com  

Take 5 and chat is a cafe drop-in for parenting of additional needs. They provide a safe space for parents and carers, a place where you can surround yourself with "people who get it".

The Parks Sports Centre provides a range of activities including:

  • Archery – Tuesdays 12.30-14.00, no booking required, just turn up. These sessions have registers so an ease card may be required or some personal details to upload to the register. £3.60 cost.
  • Rebound – Thursdays 13.30-15.00, no booking required, just turn up – no pre-booking or ease card required. £3.60 cost.
  • Sensory – Open from 9 a.m. daily – no pre-booking required although it can be pre-booked. £5.50 per hour.
  • Well-being walks – Monday’s 10.30am - walks vary in length, registration required when attending your first walk.

The Twisting Ducks Theatre Company is a North East charity that aims to change the lives of people with learning disabilities and autism through the arts.

The Story Frog preschool 3-4 years SEN session.  Stories, rhymes, phonics, mark-making skills in a safe environment. A smaller class at a slower pace for children that feel overwhelmed in a larger group.  

True Colours Theatre is an inclusive theatre school for children and young people that live in the North East. The majority of members have additional needs such as Autism, ADHD, anxiety disorders and physical and life limiting conditions and various mental health issues. True Colours want everyone to enjoy being able to express themselves in a structured, and supportive way, without fear of judgement, or criticism,  and where differences are celebrated.  For further details email: mail@truecolourstheatre.co.uk

Tyneside Access Cinema offer friendly screenings for people with autism, learning disabilities and additional needs. Access cinema provides these screenings in a low sensory environment. Telephone: (0191) 227 5500

Views Group Newcastle are a unique self-help group for visually impaired people 16 plus in the North East of England. We aim to promote inclusion of our members into their local communities and empower them to be more independent and self-confident. Views is one of only a few groups in the North East whose activities take place outside of work/college time giving our members more chance of taking part.

Waves additional needs swimming sessions  - Wednesday 6:20pm-7:20pm,  Sunday 5:00pm-6:00pm.  Normal admission costs apply.

Wizzybug  FREE powered mobility for under 5's - for indoor and outdoor use, with adult supervision.  Children use Wizzybugs at home and at pre-school, and in outdoor spaces such as parks, gardens and playgrounds.  Designed for physically disabled children. This includes children living with cerebral palsy, spinal muscular atrophy, spina bifida or muscular dystrophy, as well as children with amputations or other conditions that affect their ability to walk.

YMCA is a North Tyneside charity that help people reach their full potential in mind, body and spirit. They provide a varied range of activities from access to music studios to youth clubs and activities. Telephone: (0191) 257 5434

Related documents

Ease Into - the Holiday Activity and Food programme (HAF)

Ease Into is North Tyneside's Holiday Activities and Food programme (HAF), available to all children in the borough but free to those who receive income related free school meals. There is a wide range of activities available at Easter, during summer and over Christmas, from cycling and football to swimming and cooking.  

Sensory Spaces

See individual organisations for further information on their sensory spaces

The Parks sports centre - A multi-sensory room for infants and persons with disabilities to aid development of the senses and movement. Hoist available on request. 

The Alan Shearer Centre is a specialist respite, residential and social facility for people with complex disabilities and acute impairments.Telephone: (0191) 264 8925

Pathways 4 All / Tim Lamb Centre is a 'parent-led' charity that provides leisure and social opportunities for children with disabilities and additional needs in North East England. Telephone: (0191) 266 5233