Venue details
York Road
Whitley Bay
NE26 1AB
Reception: (0191) 643 5390 | Health Visitor Team: (0191) 643 8808
Opening times
Access is available through automatic double doors with on street parking and limited disabled parking in front of the building.
Day | Times |
Monday to Friday | 9am to 5.30pm |
Saturday | 9am to 1pm |
Customer Services
For most enquiries it’s best to contact Customer Services on 0345 200 0101.
If you need to provide us with original documents or would benefit from the additional support of a face to face service, you can make an appointment to see an advisor by calling 0345 200 0106.
Day | Times |
Monday to Thursday | 9am to 4.30pm |
Friday | 9am to 4pm |