- Advice and guidance
- Nominations
- Nomination packs
- Completing the nomination pack
- Campaigning
- Candidate spending
- Postal vote opening sessions
- Polling day
- The count
Advice and guidance
The Electoral Commission website outlines eligibility to stand for election in each type of poll and publishes comprehensive guidance and resources for candidates and agents for all polls. This includes rules on spending, donations, and campaigning.
Advice on electoral deadlines and procedures is also available from the Returning Officer. A Candidate and Agent briefing will be held on 11 March 2025 at 6.00 pm at North Tyneside Council Offices.
To register your interest please email
Nomination papers, consent to nominations and home address forms must be delivered by hand to:
The Returning Officer, Electoral Services, Room 3.12, North Tyneside Council, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, NE27 0BY
You can deliver nominations papers on any working day between 10am and 4pm until 4pm on Wednesday 2 April.
The Returning Officer will offer an informal check of completed nomination papers before you officially submit them to identify anything that could cause your nomination to be rejected. You are strongly advised to arrange an informal check of your papers by contacting
Once you have submitted your nomination papers, the Returning Officer will send you a notice to tell you whether your nomination is valid or not. If you change your mind and no longer want to stand for election after your valid nomination has been accepted, you can withdraw. You must do this by 4pm on Wednesday 2 April.
After the close of nominations, if there are more validly nominated candidates than there are seats there will be a poll on 1 May 2025. If there are fewer than, or the same number, of candidates to seats, they will be declared elected. The Returning Officer will publish the results in a public notice.
Any information on your nomination papers must be true to the best of your knowledge. Providing a false statement could invalidate your election and is punishable by an unlimited fine and/or imprisonment.
Nomination packs
To stand as a candidate, you must complete and return the nomination pack by 4pm on Wednesday 2 April.
Packs can be downloaded from the Electoral Commissions website.
The completed nomination papers must be hand delivered to:
The Returning Officer
Electoral Services, Room 3.12
The Silverlink North
Cobalt Business Park
NE27 0BY
If you cannot print the pack, you can collect one from the above address. Please make an appointment by calling (0191) 643 2270.
Completing the nomination pack
It is strongly recommended that you follow the guidance issued by the Electoral Commission on completing your Nomination Paper, which can be found here.
Please read the Electoral Commission's Guidance on Campaigning, which can be found here.
Candidate spending
Calculation of Candidate Spending May 2025
The spending limit for the regulated period is £3,040, plus 8p per registered elector in the local authority area on 25 March 2025 (the last day for the publication of the notice of election).
Postal vote opening sessions
You and your election agent are entitled to attend the opening of returned postal votes. You may also appoint agents to attend openings on your behalf. Multiple opening sessions will take place before polling day, as well as on polling day itself. The Returning Officer will give you at least 48 hours’ notice of when and where these will take place.
Polling day
You and your election agent are entitled to observe proceedings inside polling stations or appoint agents to attend polling stations on your behalf. The Returning Officer will advise you how many polling agents will be allowed in each polling station.
Your election agent will be supplied with a list of polling stations. Your appointed agents can arrive at any time to observe proceedings. This includes watching the Presiding Officer show the empty ballot box before it is sealed ahead of 7am and being present at the close of poll. At this point, your agents may also attach their seal to the ballot box/es and any close of poll packets made up by the Presiding Officer.
Anyone attending a polling station has a duty to maintain the secrecy of the ballot. Breaching the secrecy requirements can lead to an unlimited fine or six months in prison.
The count
You and your election agent are entitled to observe the count. You can also invite one other person to attend as your guest and may also appoint counting agents to attend on your behalf. The Returning Officer will tell you how many counting agents you are permitted to appoint and how to do it.
Counting agents observe the counting process, make sure it is accurate and draw count staff attention to any doubtful ballot papers. Anyone attending the count has a duty to maintain the secrecy of the count and you will be provided with further details on specific restrictions.