Our Landlord Accreditation Scheme is a free service for landlords in North Tyneside.
It aims to promote high standards across the private rented sector.
We work with landlords to make sure that properties are well managed and maintained.
We want residents of North Tyneside to have homes that are safe, secure and comfortable.
We will help landlords meet their statutory requirements.
There are no additional burdens upon landlords, beyond what they are already required to do by law.
Benefits of accreditation?
- The property will be more attractive to prospective tenants.
- Free advertising of properties through the Council’s Homefinder Service.
- Free enhanced tenant reference checks reducing the risks to the landlord.
- Free access to a deposit guarantee scheme for tenants.
- Free aftercare service with ongoing support and advice for landlords and tenants, including dispute resolution.
- Assistance to sustain tenancies threatened or compromised by ASB, disrepair, or rent arrears.
- Up-to-date information on new legislation and compliance requirements.
- Up-to-date information on regeneration / improvement schemes and initiatives within North Tyneside.
- Free access to support to bring empty properties back into use.
- Free access to training, advice, assistance and support.
- Free accreditation branding and marketing material for you and your property.
- Discounts on a range of retail and trade services obtained through our scheme partners and affiliates.
- Free or discounted membership of the National Residential Landlords Association, (NRLA).
How do I apply to be accredited?
Application forms and supporting information on the scheme are available on the Council’s website, or if you would just like to chat with us about the accreditation scheme to find out more, you can call the Private Sector Housing team on 0191 643 6207 or email private.landlords@northtyneside.gov.uk
What happens next?
We will contact you to discuss your application and go through the information that we have asked you to provide as part of the accreditation process. If you have five or less properties, we will look to carry out a visit to each property, and if you have a larger portfolio, we will look to visit a selected few, we will also look to engage with your tenant(s).