School governors

Interested in being a school governor?

If you'd like to be a parent governor:

  • contact the headteacher of your child's school
  • note - you'll also need to complete a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check has more information on roles and responsibilities and DBS checks.

For other governor positions, register your interest by with this form.

Your details
Employment details

About school governors

School governors are volunteers who come from all walks of life. You don't have to be a working professional, just someone who wants to make a difference.

School governors:

  • are committed to raising education standards
  • bring unique skills and experience to the role of school leadership
  • carry out one of the most important and satisfying jobs in education

There are different kinds of governors:

  • Co-opted governor - appointed by the Governing Body based on their skills and experience to support and advance the school.
  • Parent governor - elected by parents of registered pupils on the school roll.
  • Local authority governor - nominated by the Outside Bodies Committee and appointed by the Governing Body.
  • Foundation governor - appointed by the school's founding body, church, trust or other organisation named in the school's instrument of government.
  • Staff governor - elected by the teachers and support staff in individual schools.

Governing bodies

Governing bodies have a strategic role in raising standards. They are key to the effectiveness of a school.

The Headteacher is responsible for the day to day management of the school, but the governing body has three core functions:

  1. Clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  2. Hold the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school, pupils and staff.
  3. make sure the school's finances are in order and money is well spent.

Governor support

We support governors and schools with:

  • yearly training packages
  • information and advice
  • administrative support
  • recruitment support
  • a professional clerking service

Contact us

Governor Services
Telephone: (0191) 643 8716