Health and safety at work

What we do

We protect the health and safety of people - employees and members of the public - affected by work activities in:

  • retail
  • leisure
  • service sectors

Proactive inspections are no longer routinely undertaken and where they do occur are targeted towards high risk premises and activities, and premises where intelligence suggests risks are not being effectively managed. It is more commonly the case that the inspector will carry out an intervention type other than inspection such as an advisory visit targeted towards a specific business sector and / or associated with a topic that has been identified nationally by the HSE. 

Report an accident

Report an accident or call 0845 3009923.

The law states that employers and the self-employed must report certain workplace accidents to us via the Incident Contact Centre.

You must report:

  • 'over 7 day' injuries
  • major injuries
  • certain diseases and dangerous occurrences

In some circumstances, accidents to members of the public must also be reported.

We automatically receive accident reports from the ICC. In most cases we'll investigate the circumstances.

Registering your business

If you're starting up a new business, you don't have to register with the appropriate enforcing authority (council or Health and Safety Executive), but you'll still need to register some activities with us.

Tell us about:

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Contact Environmental health