Strategy and procedures

Procurement strategy

Our Procurement Strategy provides us with a clear vision, and sets out the strategic aims which will direct and govern procurement over the next four years.

Related documents

Tender documentation

Standard documentation that we use when undertaking a tendering exercise include:

  • Standard Selection Questionnaire
  • general conditions of contract (must be included with every tender) either:
    • general conditions for supply of services
    • general conditions for supply of goods
  • specific terms and conditions (should be reviewed on a case by case basis and used when relevant)
  • form of tender - tenderers are required to sign this, stating they are making a formal offer which is legally binding (this must be returned with the tender documents)
  • non-collusive tendering certificate - tenderers are required to sign this, confirming that they haven't colluded with any other company when making their proposal (this document must be returned with the tender documents)
  • articles of agreement - this is the document signed by representatives of the Council and the successful supplier which makes the contract binding

If there is a need for a contract in your area please email us at

Related documents

Standing orders with respect to contracts

The purpose of standing orders is to set clear rules for the procurement of goods, works and services for the Council.

Related documents

North Tyneside's Responsible Procurement Charter

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Related documents

White Ribbon Campaign

White Ribbon UK is a leading charity engaging with men and boys to end violence against women and girls. North Tyneside Council is proud to be a White Ribbon organisation, one that is standing up and making a difference to end violence against women and girls. We would encourage all organisations that work with us, including our suppliers, to join us in this commitment.

Violence against women, whether it occurs directly within, or outside an organisation is a serious, prevalent and preventable issue. Male violence in all its forms has an impact on the health and safety of employees, their wellbeing and productivity.  It impacts negatively on workplace culture, organisational reputation, and success.

The White Ribbon Campaign works to engage men in speaking out about violence against women and girls, to challenge gender stereotypes underpinning such violence and to challenge cultures that lead to harassment, abuse and violence against women.

For more information and to sign-up please visit the White Ribbon website: