Community right to bid


We hold the List of Assets of Community Value for the borough of North Tyneside.

Local voluntary, community organisations and groups can nominate land and buildings (assets) that are an important part of the community. They should be assets that the community has regularly used (or used within the last three years) to further social well being and social interests.

Why you should nominate

If an asset is included on the List of Assets of Community Value and is to be sold, local organisations and groups will in many cases have a fairer chance to make a bid to buy it on the open market.

Check eligibility for the process

Before you complete the form please see the questions below to see if your group and the asset itself are eligible for the process.

  • Is the asset currently used by the community?
  • Is the community likely to use the asset for the foreseeable future?
  • Has the asset been used by the community in the last three years?
  • Does the usage meet the social interests of the community as a whole?
  • Is the nominating group eligible to nominate?*
  • Is nominated asset outside of one of the categories that cannot be assets of community value?**

*Eligible groups:

  • Parish Council
  • Neighbourhood Forum
  • An unincorporated body with at least 21 members from North Tyneside
  • A Registered Charity
  • A Company Limited by Guarantee
  • An Industrial and Provident Society
  • A community Interest Company
  • Other - please provide details

**Categories that cannot be assets of community value:

  • A residence
  • Land used as part of a residence e.g. a garden
  • A holiday home
  • A hotel
  • Houses of multiple occupancy
  • Caravan sites
  • Operational land as defined in section 263 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990

If you answer no to any of these questions, you can get further information and advice from North Tyneside VODA (Voluntary Organisations and Development Agency).