Abnormal loads


The Construction and Use Regulations provides the basic law by which normal motor vehicles and trailers (up to 40 tonne) are built and are operated on the road.

The movement of large or heavy loads that cannot be divided further for road transport and exceed the maximum vehicle weight, axle weight or dimensions in the regulations is permitted provided they comply with the Special Types General Orders (STGO). These are generally referred to as indivisible abnormal loads.

Some roads are more suitable and form preferred routes network through the Borough that avoids traffic calmed residential areas.

Before a haulier can move an abnormal load he must notify the Police. In addition, if the gross weight or axle weights exceed those specified in the regulations he must indemnify the Highway Authority and all bridge owners along the proposed route (e.g. North Tyneside Council, Network Rail, and Nexus).

Who is the Highway Authority in North Tyneside?

North Tyneside Council is the Highway Authority for all public roads except for trunk roads, which are:

  • A1
  • A19

Proposed routes using either the A1 or A19 require hauliers to notify:

High loads

There is no statutory limit regarding the height of an abnormal load, however wherever possible it should not exceed 4.95m (16' 3") in order that the maximum use of the possible can be made of the motorway and major trunk road network.

The movement of high loads requires the haulier to survey the route prior to moving to check that it can pass safely beneath bridges and overhead cables. If the loaded vehicle exceeds 5.03m (16' 6") in height the haulier must contact owners of overhead plant.

Emergency movements

By law, a haulier must give a minimum of two clear working days' notice to the Police, Highway Authority and Bridge owners before moving the load.

In an emergency, North Tyneside Council will accept a lesser period provided it is checked by telephone first and confirmed in writing.

Who and when to notify

By law, the period of advance warning depends on the physical dimensions and weight of the loaded vehicle:

Notification times
Weight / width / length Time
Weight exceeding C & U limits up to 80,000 kg gross 2 clear working days' notice with indemnity to Highway and Bridge Authorities
Gross weight exceeding 80,000 kg up to 150,000 kg 2 clear working days' notice to Police and 5 clear days' notice with indemnity to Highway and Bridge Authorities
Gross weight exceeding 150,000 kg Highways Agency Special Order (BE16) plus 5 clear working days' notice to Police and 5 clear working days' notice with indemnity to Highway and Bridge Authorities
Width exceeding 2.9m (9' 6") up to 5.0m (16' 5") 2 clear working days' notice to Police
Width exceeding 5.0m (16' 5") up to 6.1m (20') Highways Agency Special Order (VR1) and 2 clear days' notice to Police
Width exceeding 6.1m (20') Highways Agency Special Order (BE16) plus 5 clear working days' notice with indemnity to Highways and Bridge Authorities
Length exceeding 18.65m (61' 2") up to 27.4m (89' 1") rigid length 2 clear working days' notice to Police
Length exceeding 27.4m (89' 1") rigid length Highways Agency Special Order (BE16) plus 5 clear working days' notice to Police and 5 clear working days' notice with indemnity to Highway and Bridge Authorities


North Tyneside Council
Email: abloads@northtyneside.gov.uk

Northumbria Police
Telephone: 01661 872 555
Fax: 01661 869 788

Trunk Roads (A1 & A19) - AOne Integrated Highway Services
Telephone: 01325 385 719
Fax: 01325 385 701

Tyne Tunnel
Telephone: 0191 262 4451
Fax: 0191 263 1031

Newcastle City Council
Telephone: 0191 232 8520
Fax: 0191 211 4975

Northumberland County Council
Telephone: 01670 533 000
Fax: 01670 534 293