Environmental permitting


You must have an environmental permit if you operate a regulated facility in North Tyneside.

A regulated facility includes:

  • installations or mobile plants carrying out listed activities
  • waste operations
  • waste mobile plant
  • mining waste operations

Listed activities include:

  • burning fuel, gasification, liquification and refining activities
  • manufacturing and processing metals
  • manufacturing lime, cement, ceramics or glass
  • manufacturing or storing chemicals in bulk
  • manufacturing pharmaceuticals or explosives
  • incinerating or recovering waste
  • operating landfills
  • using solvents
  • manufacturing paper, pulp and board
  • treating timber products
  • coating, treating textiles and printing
  • manufacturing new tyres
  • intensive pig and poultry farming

Listed activities are divided into three categories: Part A(1), Part A(2) and Part B.

Part A2 permits

Apply for an A2 environmental permit.

Part A2 permits control activities with a range of environmental impacts, including:

  • emissions to air, land and water
  • energy efficiency
  • waste reduction
  • raw materials consumption
  • noise, vibration and heat
  • accident prevention

Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)

The EU’s Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) takes an integrated approach to controlling pollution to air, water and land, and sets challenging industry standards for the most polluting industries. The IED aims to prevent and reduce harmful industrial emissions, while promoting the use of techniques that reduce pollutant emissions and that are energy and resource efficient.

Larger industrial facilities undertaking specific types of activity are required to use BAT to reduce emissions to air, water and land.

BAT means the available techniques which are the best for preventing or minimising emissions and impacts on the environment. ‘Techniques’ include both the technology used and the way the installation is designed, built, maintained, operated and decommissioned.

BAT reference documents (BREFs) include BAT Conclusions that contain emission limits associated with BAT, which must not be exceeded unless agreed by the relevant competent authority.

Related documents

Part B permits

Apply for a B environmental permit.

Part B permits control activities which cause emissions to air.


Tell us about a change to your existing permit

Annual subsistance charge

Failed or refused applications

Contact us in the first instance.

If you are refused an environmental permit you can appeal to the Secretary of State. You must appeal within six months from the date of the decision.

Licence holder redress

Contact us in the first instance.

If your application to vary, transfer or surrender an environmental permit has been refused or if you object to conditions imposed on the environmental permit, you can appeal to the appropriate authority.

You must appeal in relation to a regulator initiated variation, a suspension or enforcement notice, not later than two months from the date of the variation or notice and in any other case within six months from the date of the decision.

Compensation maybe payable in relation to conditions affecting certain interests in land.

Contact Environmental health