From Monday (25 July) dog owners will be asked to keep their pets on leads in a busy section of an award-winning North Tyneside park.
The trial scheme at Northumberland Park, North Shields, will run throughout the school summer holiday until Saturday 1 October. During this time dogs are requested to be kept on a lead in the central area of the park near to the Bowling Green, Visitor Centre and outdoor cafe area, medieval garden and the children’s sculpture trail.
The park – which recently underwent a £5 million renovation funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and North Tyneside Council – has been acknowledged as one of the best parks and open spaces in the country. Today (Thursday 21) it has been awarded the prestigious national Green Flag for its beauty and environmental excellence by Keep Britain Tidy.
North Tyneside Council has designated the central route though the park as a Dog Lead Area and is requesting owners to keep their pets on leads that are no longer than two metres.
The council hopes that this will prevent dogs from causing a nuisance by running through the water features and flower beds, disturbing the wildlife and approaching visitors and children who may be afraid of them. It will also decrease the amount of uncollected dog dirt in the area as owners will have their pets with them.
Signs and maps marking the boundaries of the scheme will be placed along the route and a feedback system will be put in place to collect visitor comments throughout the trial and a full evaluation is expected to be available by 1 November.
Well behaved dogs will still be welcome off lead in other parts of Northumberland Park including the extensive woodland area.