North Tyneside Council is celebrating swimming during November and is inviting everyone to join in.
November’s ‘month of swimming’ is part of Everybody Active North East – a collaboration of councils in the region during 2016 to promote being active as a great way to stay healthy.
All twelve North East councils have come together to focus on a different activity each month in their own area. North Tyneside is focusing on swimming during November, involving all pools in the borough – Waves at Whitley Bay, Tynemouth Pool, The Lakeside Centre in Killingworth and Hadrian Leisure Centre in Wallsend.
The highlight of the month is free swimming for all over-60s at every pool throughout November (proof of age required), along with ducklings classes for little ones, family diving sessions, tranquil twilight ladies-only swimming and disability sessions.
The council is also keen to promote the message that it’s never too late to learn, with a special adult swimming course beginning on 2 November at Hadrian (pre-booking required.)
Cllr Eddie Darke, Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Tourism, said: “We want to encourage as many people as possible to join in our celebration of swimming this November. Even if it’s years since they last swam, we’d encourage them to come along and see what we have to offer. Modern pools are a world away from what some of us remember from our younger years and we have sessions to suit all ages and abilities all-year-round.
“The month of swimming activities are just a taster of what’s on offer all-year-round at North Tyneside Council pools. We hope that people will be encouraged to make swimming a regular part of their lifestyle, with the benefits of improving their health and having fun!”
Some activities during November must be pre-booked. To find out more, visit www.northtyneside.gov.uk or ask at your local pool.