North Tyneside Council’s commitment to the Armed Forces will be further highlighted next week when it calls on support for a new campaign by the Royal British Legion and hosts a delegation from the American Embassy.
On Tuesday (22 November) the council is welcoming the U.S. Cultural Attaché Anneliese Reinemeyer and top officials to the borough to hear their plans to commemorate the centenary next year of the U.S. entry into World War One. America declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917.
Hosted by Councillor Gary Bell, Armed Forces Champion, the event will be attended by representatives from the Armed Forces and several other councils in the region.
Alan Fidler from the Northumbria World War One commemoration project and a recent recipient of The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service will be the guest speaker.
Councillor Bell said: “I’m honoured to be hosting this event with our special guests from the U.S. Embassy and the Armed Forces. We want to create a good working relationship to honour the contributions of the American war effort and the ongoing Special Relationship between the UK and the United States.”
To further assist the Armed Forces and Veterans organisations, at a meeting of the full council on Thursday (November 24), councillors are being asked to support a motion agreeing to a campaign by The Royal British Legion to have questions added to the 2021 UK Census.
Councillor Bell added: “We as a Council are proud of our servicemen and women and the greater Armed Forces family. As there are currently no official estimates of how many members of the Armed Forces live in the borough it would be invaluable and will help public bodies and charities deliver the best services they can for the Armed Forces Community.”