Party-goers are being reassured that taxis licensed by North Tyneside Council are a safe way to travel this Christmas.
This year enforcement officers from the taxi licensing team have carried out more than 900 spot checks on vehicles. The majority of defects identified were minor and rectified within five days.
In addition, all drivers will have had to demonstrate, through an application process, that they are a ‘fit and proper person’ to hold a licence.
The taxi licensing service is delivered for North Tyneside Council by its partner Capita. All hackney carriages and private hire vehicles operating in the borough must be licensed by the taxi licensing team.
Cllr John Harrison, cabinet member for Housing and Transport, said: “Travelling by taxi is generally very safe, but it is important to make sure the vehicle is licensed.
“Our team will continue to carry out compliance checks and is committed to ensuring that all licensed vehicles operating within the area are of a high standard.”
Licensed drivers of taxis and private hire vehicles should always wear a council-issued photo ID card. In North Tyneside all Hackney carriages are black in colour.
If you have a query regarding the safety of licensed taxis in the borough, call the council’s taxi licensing team on (0191) 643 2175.
Notes to editors:
Capita Local Government, part of Capita plc, is dedicated to delivering outsourcing and professional services to the local government market and responsible for operating all of Capita's major local government and education partnerships. Employing over 8,000 people, Capita Local Government delivers a wide range of specialist services, including customer management, property development and regulatory services, educational transformation and support services and back office processing. Capita Local Government can also draw on specialist capabilities, such as ICT, HR and payroll from across the wider Capita group, to ensure the very best market knowledge and outcomes are achieved for customers.
In November 2012 the company entered into a partnership with North Tyneside Council to deliver a range of technical services: engineering; property; planning; building control and public protection.