Volunteers are needed to help determine appeals by parents over school places.
North Tyneside Council is recruiting volunteers to join its independent appeals panels, which are set up to consider appeals from parents who have missed out on their first choice of school.
Panel members will consider the reasons for the parents’ choice of school, as well as Admission Authority's reasons for refusal, before coming to a decision about the allocation of a school place.
Each panel is made up of three or five members, drawn from a pool of volunteers.
Appeals take place throughout the year and each one takes around half an hour to resolve.
The role would suit people with excellent listening skills, as well as the ability to put people at ease and assess evidence to determine each appeal.
Many volunteers have experience of education in the borough, while other have no formal experience of schools. Full training is provided and members will have the support of a fully trained and experienced clerk.
The role is unpaid but travel expenses can be reimbursed.
To find out more about this rewarding role, or to request an application pack, please contact the Clerk to the Education Appeals Panel on 0191 643 5316 or email education.appeals@northtyneside.gov.uk.