North Tyneside Council and the National Landlords Association (NLA) have announced a new partnership that aims to bring professional practice to the private rented sector (PRS).
The partnership – the first of its kind between a local council and a landlord body – will see North Tyneside Council encourage local landlords to sign up as members of the NLA and to become accredited.
North Tyneside Council approached the NLA to develop the scheme to give landlords additional support and help to raise the standards of private rented accommodation in the borough.
The partnership means that landlords who sign up as members of the NLA and become accredited will receive a package of benefits and incentives from the council worth up to £300 per year, including:
- Discounts on HMO and discretionary licenses
- Access to commercial waste disposal facilities
- Free tenant checks and referencing
Landlords will also be able to take advantage of the extensive range of membership benefits available from the NLA including:
- Access to the Telephone Advice Line
- Best practice tenancy agreements, forms and letters
- Bi-monthly subscription to UK Landlord, the premier magazine for landlords
Norma Redfearn, Elected Mayor of North Tyneside, said:
“This is a great new partnership that will give landlords the opportunity to continue their professional development, and gain accreditation, while also supporting our aim of raising the standard of private rented accommodation in North Tyneside.”
Richard Lambert, Chief Executive Officer at the NLA, said:
“The NLA is leading the way in establishing working relationships between landlords and local authorities that are willing to work in collaboration to improve standards in the private rented sector.
“This unique partnership with North Tyneside Council represents a major step forward and we hope it will serve as a blueprint for how the NLA can work with other councils across England in the future.
“NLA Accreditation is a national scheme which offers greater consistency for all landlords, tenants and councils to recognise and it’s the best way to maintain a profitable and successful lettings business.
“We’re delighted that North Tyneside Council is working with us to open up a whole raft of benefits, as well as educational and developmental resources that will work to ensure a more professional sector – not just for renters, but for everyone involved.”
Landlords with property in North Tyneside will have the chance to find out more at a private landlords’ forum, at North Tyneside Council’s offices, Quadrant East, on Thursday 6 April, from 6pm-7.45pm.
Join the NLA today to start benefiting from the partnership and become accredited by booking on to the NLA Foundation Course which takes place on 11th April.
The NLA is also waiving its joining fee (£14) for landlords in North Tyneside and offering a 15% early-bird discount off the course.