North Tyneside Council has set out how it will create opportunities for residents to use more sustainable forms of transport.
The authority has invested millions of pounds in recent years in improving the borough’s walking and cycling network and public transport initiatives and further major investment is planned in the coming years.
The revised North Tyneside Transport Strategy “North Tyneside on the Move”, which was agreed by Cabinet last night (Monday), sets out the updated transport vision for effective travel and how the borough will become more green, healthy, dynamic and thriving.
It features the following five updated principles that the council will use to guide its actions and measure its performance:
- Reduce carbon emissions from transport
- Improve health outcomes
- Support inclusive economic growth
- Improve connectivity
- Manage demand and enable smart choices for all
The transport strategy outlines how opportunities for safe walking and cycling will be increased, including proposals for a segregated sustainable route along the seafront.
It will continue to be used to shape future decisions, influence sub-regional, regional and national issues, support future funding bids for transport-related projects and assist the implementation of the Local Plan.
The North Tyneside Transport Strategy was adopted by Cabinet in 2017. It has been revised and updated to take into account recent developments such as the climate emergency, declared by the Council in 2019, the new Council Plan and the new North East Transport Plan.
Deputy Mayor Cllr Carl Johnson said: “Transport is an important part of everyone’s lives. It supports the economy, society and communities.
“It is important that we, as a council, have a clear direction to guide our strategic planning and day-to-day responsibilities, which is reflected in Our North Tyneside Council Plan.
“We know the borough is set to grow – with more people, more jobs and more homes. Significant employment sites are being developed and our town and district centres will continue to play a vital role.
“The way people travel is also changing and the pandemic has seen more people work from home and the level of public transport use drop. Most people travel to work by car, which puts the road network under pressure, but cycling in the borough has grown significantly and roads and pavements are important to residents.
“The revised strategy takes all this into account as well as the national and regional context, including major projects that will benefit North Tyneside, such as the Northumberland Line.
“It will also complement regional plans aimed at securing more and better jobs for the North East.”