Grants of up to £5,000 can be claimed by businesses in Wallsend Town Centre as North Tyneside Council looks to smarten up the High Street.
As part of the Towns and High Streets Innovation Programme, the Wallsend Shop Front Improvement Scheme is inviting applications from businesses to improve the external appearance of the buildings.
The grant is available to any retail business with a ground floor shop unit or doorway access to an upper floor commercial premises, based on High Street East, High Street West or Station Road (from the junction with Elton Street East to the South, and Atkinson Terrace to the North).
Cllr Carl Johnson, Deputy Mayor of North Tyneside, said: “Residents have told us that improving the appearance of the High Street and Town Centre should be a priority, and our ambition for Wallsend is about creating a Wallsend that our residents and businesses can be proud of.
“This grant will help us take the appearance of the High Street and Town Centre up a level; attracting more people to come visit the area and supporting local businesses.”
Funded with £1.9m from the North of Tyne Combined Authority, the Towns and High Streets Innovation Programme is made up of five key projects:
- Create a new active travel route incorporating artwork and installations between the town centre and Segedunum
- Provide support to businesses with a dedicated town centre business advisor
- Include a shop front improvement grant scheme with specific design standards to enhance the look of the High Street
- Develop and support a programme of events and festivals
- Raise the profile of Segedunum by establishing a retail/exhibition offer within the town centre.
The programme forms part of North Tyneside Council’s Ambition for Wallsend, which was first approved in March 2022 with three key priorities at the heart of its development.
- Making the town centre and its neighbourhoods great places to visit and live by improving the street scene and public spaces and working with partners to make sure people feel safe
- Making improvements to the quality of housing in the town by renovating poor-quality properties and building new homes
- Connecting residents to good jobs through further education, transport infrastructure and putting Wallsend on the map for employers.
A public consultation has recently been completed on the ambitious plans, with residents across the town having their say on the proposals. This feedback is now being considered with a revised plan expected to go before North Tyneside Council’s Cabinet in May.
Grants are available on a first come, first served basis. Projects must be completed, and grant funding claimed by December 31, 2023.
You can view the criteria and submit an application for the grant here.
More information on North Tyneside Council’s Ambition for Wallsend can be found here.