Parents Laura and Sandra Davies are promoting the benefits of adopting through Early Permanence to support a campaign to find loving forever homes for children in care more quickly.
The couple, from Whitley Bay, said fostering their son Jasper at just three days old, before going on to adopt him, was the best decision they could have made.
They are telling their story as adoption agencies from across the North East and Cumbria come together to encourage more people to consider Early Permanence.
Previously known as ‘foster to adopt’, Early Permanence involves fostering a baby or child initially, with the hope of going on to legally adopt them.
It removes the need for the child to be placed with a separate foster carer while they wait for the court to decide their plan, reducing disruption and uncertainty for them.
“We were keen to be part of our child’s life from as early as possible, so Early Permanence seemed right for us when we were hoping to adopt,” said Laura.
“Just a week after being approved, we were told about an unborn child who needed to be fostered from birth.
“Jasper was brought to us at just three days old. We were able to foster him first and then go on to adopt him, giving him a secure, loving home as soon as possible. It was the best decision for us all.”
Vicky Davidson Boyd, Chair of the North East and Cumbria Early Permanence Project, said Early Permanence was much more child-centred. The benefits are so great, adoption agencies from across the wider north region are combining their efforts to encourage more people interested in adoption to consider it.
“Early Permanence offers greater security for the babies and children involved and leads to less moving from one home to another in the care system,” said Vicky.
“It allows for a child to be placed with their potential long-term carers at the earliest stage, so they can bond more quickly, with both the child and family being part of each other’s life experiences as soon as possible.
“It gives children stability at a sensitive time in their development and growth and helps them to develop a secure and loving attachment with their carers. It really is the best option.”
There is an element of uncertainty with Early Permanence in that often children are placed early, before all assessments on the birth family have been completed and before the final care plan is known.
This means there is a chance that the courts may decide it’s best for the child to be placed back with his or her birth family before the adoption takes place.
However, for Laura and Sandra, who also have a ten-year-old daughter, Leona, the uncertainty was worth taking.
“We did think about the element of uncertainty, but we thought the advantages of Early Permanence for Jasper, and for us, made it very worthwhile,” added Laura.
“We have pictures and memories from those first days that we can share with him now, and we have been able to bond with him very easily.”
Sandra added: “Jasper was just gorgeous. He totally completed our family. Leona was included from the beginning, and she has doted on him ever since. He was a happy baby, and he is still sunshine on legs – he brings so much joy to us.”
Last year, 54 children were placed in Early Permanence placements across the North East and Cumbria – a 44% increase on the year before. None of those children were reunified with their birth family. In the first quarter of this year, one child was reunified with their birth family.
Vicky added: “If you’re thinking about adoption, give your local agency a call and find out more about Early Permanence.
“So many of our children have experienced difficult times, and lots of uncertainty, so by fostering them first, before going on to adopt them, you can give them the love and stability they need. It also removes the uncertainty from them.
“Adoption agencies provide as much information as possible about the circumstances surrounding the child and they give full training and support. If you can offer a child a loving, stable home, and give them the time and understanding they need, you have the power to totally change their life.”
All adoption families are supported through the process, and beyond. Agencies provide a range of support services for as long as families need. Early Permanence carers are also entitled to foster care allowance during the initial placement. For those who are in employment, adoption leave and pay are also available once a child is placed for adoption.
Early Permanence carers often work with birth families whilst assessment of the child’s care plan takes place, giving them a greater understanding of the child’s heritage. This enables adopters to strengthen the life story of their adopted child, giving the child a stronger sense of identity.
To find out more, contact a member of the North East and Cumbria Early Permanence Project, who are the following adoption agencies:
- Adopt Coast to Coast adoptcoasttocoast.org.uk
- Adopt North East adoptnortheast.org.uk
- Adoption Matters adoptionmatters.org
- Adoption Tees Valley adoptionteesvalley.org.uk
- ARC Adoption NE arcadoptionne.org.uk
- Caritas Care caritascare.org.uk
- Cumbria Adoption cumbriaadoption.org.uk