Council secures over £4m to help residents warm their homes

Residents in North Tyneside are set to reap the benefits after the Council secured over £4m to help them warm their homes and keep their energy prices down.

Last night (March 17) at a meeting of North Tyneside Council’s Cabinet, councillors accepted the award of £4,281,163 over the next three years (2025-2028) through the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero’s Warm Homes Local Grant.

The funding will be used to upgrade around 300 homes in North Tyneside for those on a lower income, introducing energy efficiency heating measures including air source heat pumps, Solar PV and upgraded wall insulation.

The grants will be open to residents who:

  • own their homes or rent from a private landlord (subject to additional criteria); and
  • live in an eligible post code, OR have a gross household income of £36,000 per year or less; AND
  • live in homes with a low energy rating (EPC of D/E/F/G.) EPCs will be provided by the scheme if required.

Cllr Sandra Graham, cabinet member for Climate Change, said: “I’m delighted that we’ve been able to secure this funding. It’s going to be an immense help for so many of our residents.

“With the current cost of living, it’s important that we do what we can to help our residents and offer whatever support we have available. These measures will help to reduce the carbon footprint of these homes, while also contributing to reduced energy bills.

“So, if you meet the criteria and think your home could benefit from some of these energy efficiency measures, please get in touch with us.”

Cllr John Harrison, cabinet member for Housing, said: “Ensuring our residents feel comfortable, secure and healthy in their homes is one of our top priorities and this funding will help us to achieve this.

“It’ll help us build on a lot of the work that we’ve done already and I’m looking forward to seeing our residents benefit.”

North Tyneside Council has an excellent track record of supporting residents with their energy bills, and this funding is set to build on the success of previous schemes that have seen 950 homes in North Tyneside benefit. To date, around £9.3m in funding has been secured, working out at an average of around £10,000 worth of improvements to each home.

The funding will help North Tyneside Council deliver its ambitious Carbon Net Zero 2030 Action Plan, which seeks to make the Council carbon net-zero by 2030. The Council’s carbon footprint has decreased by 59% since it started measuring in 2011.  This funding will also help reduce the carbon footprint of North Tyneside as a whole, which has decreased by 49% from 2005 to 2022.

Further details on how to apply for the latest scheme will be coming soon.