Children’s Public Health Service awarded Baby Friendly accreditation

A baby with a surprised expression

The Council's Children’s Public Health Service has been reaccredited with the Unicef Baby Friendly Initiative Gold Award.

This is the highest level of accreditation, which celebrates excellent and sustained practice in the support of infant feeding and parent-infant relationships.

This reaccreditation signifies that families across the borough and employees of North Tyneside Council will continue to experience an evidence-based approach to supporting infant feeding and good nutrition, helping parents to have close and loving relationships with their children.

In response to the news, Councillor Karen Clark, Cabinet Member responsible for Public Health and Wellbeing at North Tyneside Council, said: "I'm thrilled that we have been reaccredited with the Unicef Baby Friendly Initiative Gold Award.

"Our aim is for mothers to be empowered to trust their instincts and enjoy feeding their baby, and this award gives us confidence that we're providing the right support for our families."

There is information on infant-feeding, introducing solid foods, and more on the Children’s Public Health Service North Tyneside webpage.