Safe place scheme in North Tyneside

Press release: An abstract view of the Council crest

North Tyneside Council has developed a Safe Place scheme to support vulnerable people to feel safe when they’re out and about in the borough.

The scheme involves a growing network of local businesses, including banks, post offices and cafes, who have agreed to be a Safe Place, where anyone who feels unsafe of vulnerable can call in and ask for support.

Safe Places are easy to identify as they display a nationally-recognised logo in their window.  Anyone who is a member of the scheme can go into a participating building and ask for support.

Someone would use a Safe Place if they felt lost, upset, afraid or threatened or if they lost their belongings or friends.  The Safe Place staff will then contact family, carers or the police if necessary.

For more information, contact Anthony Howe on (0191) 643 7057 or email


10 February 2025 - 5:22pm

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