A North Tyneside middle school has made a ‘remarkable turnaround’ and received a glowing report by Ofsted inspectors.
Marden Bridge Middle School in Whitley Bay has been rated ‘good’ in all areas; the children are thriving and attaining well above expectations by the time they leave.
In their latest report, inspectors praised the quality of teaching and effective leadership as well as the behaviour and development of the pupils.
After observing lessons, they say that teaching is ‘good’ with very well motivated teachers working hard and providing work which challenges and stretches the most able pupils. They make overall progress above expectations in English and mathematics and made attainment above national expectations. The school also offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities which encourage art, creativity and particularly sport which has a good range of facilities.
The pupils impressed the inspectors with their good behaviour and are very polite and courteous in lessons and around the school. They are able to thrive because they are well looked after and feel safe and happy.
Headteacher John Newport is commended for his strong leadership, passion and determination to provide all pupils with opportunities to succeed, no matter what their background.
He was appointed shortly before the previous inspection two years ago when the school was judged to be ‘requiring improvement’. At the time he pledged that with hard work, dedication and help from the local authority the school would bounce back and improve.
The inspectors also report that since that previous inspection the school has worked very well with the local authority and there has been useful support from other partners who have helped turn the school around.
Mr Newport said: “There has been a huge amount of effort put in by staff to make this school an exciting place to learn. It’s a privilege for me to come in to work each day and work with such great staff but also, the absolutely fantastic pupils we have in this school which makes it an incredible place to be.”
The Chair of Governors, Oliver Harness added: “To now be judged as good is a fantastic testament to the fantastic work of children, staff, parents, governors and others who have contributed to the school’s amazing journey over the last two years.”
Welcoming the report, Elected Mayor of North Tyneside Norma Redfearn said: “I am very pleased that Ofsted has recognised the tremendous progress the school has made and it has now been officially rated as a good school.
“The council provides close support, scrutiny and challenge to all of its schools to ensure high standards are maintained. In these past two years we have worked closely with John and his leadership team and I am extremely proud of the remarkable turnaround that has taken place.
“This success is very well deserved and I send my heartfelt congratulations to all the staff, advisors and governors for their dedication and hard work. I especially want to say a ‘well done’ to all the fantastic pupils – they are a real credit to their school – and also to their families who have been a huge support to their children and the school. I recognise it has been hard to achieve such an excellent report in such a short time but Marden Bridge Middle School is a very good school and with everyone committed to continued improvement I’m sure it will go on to achieve even greater success.”