Professionals have come together in North Tyneside to show their support to improving health and wellbeing in the workplace.
Leaders from organisations across the borough met today (November 17) as part of the North Tyneside Health and Wellbeing Board, and discussed the importance of promoting a healthy workforce.
Board members praised and endorsed a regional scheme that supports businesses to improve the health of their staff and recognises the great work that so many employers are already doing.
The Better Health at Work Award scheme was established in 2008 in the North East region and is coordinated by the Northern region Trade Union Congress (TUC). The scheme is supported by the 12 local authorities, NHS organisations and Public Health England.
Chair of the board, Cllr Margaret Hall, who is also cabinet member for Public Health, said: “Employers have an important role to play in maintaining and improving the mental and physical health of their staff, and this scheme can provide the support to do so.
“It’s fantastic that 324 employers across the region are currently working towards an award, reaching almost 200,000 north east employees.
“For those organisations who have not considered promoting health at work, I’d urge you do so. You’ll reap many rewards by encouraging a healthy workforce – such as reduced sickness days, improved staff morale and better productivity.
“It’s worked really well within North Tyneside Council over the last four years and for the other organisations represented on the Health and Wellbeing Board.
“The council is committed to promoting, protecting and improving the health and wellbeing of its staff and we were delighted this was recognised through the scheme when we achieved the highest award possible earlier in the year.”
Any business of any size or sector can take part, and it’s free to do so.
There are four levels to the awards – bronze, silver, gold and continuing excellence.
Organisations receive the support of a dedicated workplace health lead who will help them create an action plan, carry out a health needs assessment and develop health-related policies and activities.
For further details about the Better Health at Work Award scheme, visit www.betterhealthatworkne.org.
North Tyneside Health and Wellbeing Board brings together the local authority, health providers, patient representatives and the voluntary and community sector to agree goals and lead change. It meets four times a year and the public can observe the meetings. More information can be found at www.northtyneside.gov.uk.
Notes to editors:
North Tyneside Council achieved the award by developing a health and wellbeing strategy with a dedicated delivery plan. It has also established proactive health advocates to oversee the programme and has undertaken a questionnaire on workplace health with its staff.