Murton Master Plan
Consultation details
During the public engagement three ‘drop in’ events were held with the local community at the following locations:
• Wednesday, November 1, 2017, 2pm to 7pm – Monkseaton High School, Seatonville Road, NE25 9EQ
• Monday, November 6, 2017, 4.30pm to 8pm – Shiremoor Library, Shiremoor Centre, Earsdon Road, Shiremoor, NE27 0QU
• Thursday, November 9, 2017, 3pm to 8pm – St Aidan’s Church Hall, Billy Mill Lane, North Shields, NE29 8BZ
The engagement was advertised through the following methods:
• A press release to publicise the engagement.
• Posters displayed at local libraries.
• Leaflets delivered to local residents, providing details of the drop in events, the engagement period and how to comment of the draft Master plan.
• An email was sent to everyone on the Local Plan engagement database which includes statutory consultees, stakeholders, residents and anybody else who has requested to be kept informed of any future engagement relating to planning policy.
• The draft Master plan was be made available to view on the Council’s planning website and local libraries, Customer Service Centres and Quadrant reception.
175 responses were received during the period of engagement (including 64 signatories to a petition regarding a Pedestrian and Cycle access at Arcot Drive, Monkseaton).
Following the public engagement, an Engagement Statement was produced which summarised the main issues raised by the responses and the subsequent changes to the Master plan (see below).
The final master plan was formally agreed, by Cabinet, on 18th December 2017. The authority would like to thank everyone who shared their views as part of this engagement exercise.