Whitley Bay Seafront Masterplan 28 June 2016
Consultation details
Images and descriptions of a number of proposed schemes included in the wider Whitley Bay seafront masterplan were displayed as an exhibition at the Rendezvous cafe on 28 June 2016. Residents/visitors/businesses were encouraged to come along to see the proposals and provide comments and feedback. This event provided updated information following previous events which were held in the Whitley Bay Customer First Centre in 2015.Some visitors to previous events had raised concerns about some of the project proposals; comments had been taken on board and refined which resulted in a new consultation exercise. The majority of comments received at the event were positive with many people requesting that they just wanted to see the work start on site. Following the engagement event, the proposals for Northern Promenade were finalised in preparation for beginning on site later in 2016. The authority would like to thank everyone who shared their views as part of this engagement exercise.