Sports and Leisure Cleanliness Surveys 2016 and 2017

Consultation details

Sports and Leisure carried out surveys with service users within our facilities to determine how they rate our standards of cleanliness across all areas. This information was given on a voluntary basis. The feedback is used to make improvements where necessary based on customer’s comments. Our aim is to have 100 surveys from each of the 5 sites completed during each exercise. Thank you to all customers who took the time to complete a survey. Each site will carry out improvements based on the feedback received. Some of these improvements include changing village cleaning checks increased from 2 hourly to 1 hourly by Leisure Assistants to help increase cleanliness in this area, continue to work with our partners to resolve the issue in wet side toilets with the drainage system which can cause smells, Gym, Studio 1 and Studio 2 air conditioning has been serviced and will maintained by an external contractor, feedback has been passed onto the locker maintenance company as a result they have serviced the lockers which should now be more reliable, sports mats have been placed on a weekly cleaning rota where all mats are cleaned and sanitised, increased toilet checks in changing village to every half hour during peak, review cleaning products and additional check of sport hall floor at noon to be added to the lifeguards cleaning rota. The authority would like to thank everyone who shared their views as part of this engagement exercise.

Contact details

Kimberley Pye
0191 643 2817

Consultation period
