Changes to financial assessments for non-residential care services

Consultation details

We are proposing changes from 2nd July 2018 to the way in which those who will receive non-residential services are financially assessed. Existing service users will not be affected by these proposals.

The Department of Health prescribed the minimum amount of income a person must be left with after paying for their care and support. Councils can allow people to keep more income than this amount if they wish. This amount is called the minimum income guarantee (MIG).

Currently North Tyneside Council applies the minimum income guarantee + 25% meaning service users are left with a basic income plus a 25% buffer over and above the minimum.

In the context of the council’s current financial challenges we propose to make a change to the Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG) that is applied during financial assessment for non-residential care services. The proposal involves the application of MIG +18.6% for all new service users from 1 April 2018, instead of the MIG +25% that is currently applied. This is in line with the Department of Health guidance.

You can have your say by reading the proposals in more detail and completing our online survey by clicking on the link

Contact details

Alison Tombs – HECS Wellbeing and Assess
0191 643 5963

Consultation period
