Accessing GP Appointments Survey
Consultation details
Healthwatch North Tyneside is the independent champion for people who use health and social care services in North Tyneside. Our purpose is to help make services better for local people by making sure that those in charge listen to the views of local people and act on what they hear to make care better.
We want to ensure that the views and experiences of local people are used by decision makers to help to improve the services that they use. We listen to what people in North Tyneside tell us about their personal experiences of using health and social care. We identify the main issues and tell commissioners and service providers about what is working well and what could be improved.
Local people continue to tell us about their experiences of using their GP. Although the majority of people tell us the quality of care they receive is good, often people find appointments difficult to access and experience lengthy waiting times. This survey hopes to find out more about local peoples’ experiences of accessing their GP service – both what works well and what needs to be improved.