Review of the North Tyneside Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licencing Policy
Consultation details
North Tyneside Council is responsible for the licensing of private hire drivers, vehicles and operators as well as hackney carriage drivers and vehicles.
The Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy sets out how the local authority makes decisions about new applications and licences currently in force.
The policy’s objectives are:
a) The safety and protection of the public:
b) The protection of children and vulnerable adults from harm.
c) The promotion of environmental sustainability:
d) To provide clarity for licensees with respect to the Authority’s expectations and the decision making process:
Residents are asked to complete the online survey so their views on the revised Policy and the consultation questions contained within can be considered.
The consultation responses will be compiled, Policy amended as required and brought back before cabinet for decision to adopt.