School Admission Arrangements and Catchment Area Consultation September 2021

Consultation details

The Local Authority has a duty to consult on all aspects of its proposed admission arrangements for community schools, for which it is the admission authority, if there are any proposed changes. This includes its oversubscription criteria which includes catchment areas. Changes to the catchment areas at Holystone, Backworth, Shiremoor and New York in 2021 are being proposed and how to comment on these proposals are outlined below.

Due to the successful relocation and expansion of Backworth Park Primary School and partly due to the new developments that have been built in the area the council is proposing some changes. The catchment areas have not been reviewed for many years and some of the new developments have been built on existing boundary lines and this has caused some streets to be split.

There are no other changes to the Admission Arrangements.

We would welcome your comments/views on the proposed changes to catchment areas in respect of Holystone, Backworth, Shiremoor and New York Primary Schools.  Information to help you make this decision can be found in ‘supported information’ and we would be grateful if you could send your views and comments by email to

Consultation period
