Vital work to protect North Tyneside’s coastline from storm damage is complete.
The seawall at King Edward’s Bay in Tynemouth has been reinforced to protect Sea Banks and the promenade from extreme weather.
Funded by the Environment Agency, the works were delivered by Capita on behalf of North Tyneside Council and required careful coordination with local businesses to minimise disruption.
A specialist team was brought in to work around the tides and repair the wall in several locations, which will ensure this area is enjoyed by residents and businesses for years to come.
Cllr Carl Johnson, Deputy Mayor of North Tyneside and Cabinet Member for Regeneration, said: “Our seawalls are vital infrastructure assets, and we recognise the importance of ensuring they’re maintained.
"Our team carries out regular inspections and, where works are identified, have a strong track record in securing external funding.
“It is another important part in our Ambition for North Tyneside vision, which sets out how we hope to help shape the borough and make sure it is fit for the future.”
Earlier in the year, essential maintenance works were also carried out on Fish Quay Sands seawall in North Shields.
This involved the infilling and repointing of the rock armour sea defence feature on the beach.
It will ensure the main pedestrian route from Collingwood Monument to the Fish Quay is protected from high tides and bad weather.
Both schemes form part of the council’s Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Plan and are vital to maintaining sea defences in two popular coastal locations.
More information is available on the council’s website www.northtyneside.gov.uk within the “Major Projects” section. Alternatively, the major projects team can be contacted directly on Tel: (0191) 643 6500.