Polling District and Polling Place Review PART 2

Consultation details

We must review our Polling Districts and Polling Places at least once every five years. The first part of the review started on 1st October 2023 and finished on the 20th November.  The second part of the consultation is now open and runs until 1st January 2024. 

Having considered all the information received from the first consultation, a report can be found below, outlining the proposals for future arrangements of polling districts, polling places and polling stations in the borough. A corresponding interactive map, showing proposed polling districts and polling places, can be accessed from the report.

If you want to take part in this consultation because you have issues with the proposed arrangements for polling stations, you will need to explain why you are unhappy with these arrangements and give alternative proposals, with your reasons for the proposed changes, so that they can be considered.

Comments should be sent to  Allison Mitchell, Head of Governance at Quadrant, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, North Tyneside, NE27 0BY or by Email: allison.mitchell@northtyneside.gov.uk by 1st January 2024.

After the end of the consultation period any comments / representations received will be considered during January 2024, with final proposals on future polling districts and polling places being reported to an extraordinary meeting of Council on 1st February 2024.  That meeting of full Council will make a decision on the proposals. 

Should you wish to receive a printed paper copy of the proposals, or if you require any further information or wish to discuss any aspect of this, please contact Allison Mitchell (Tel: 0191 643 5720 or Email: allison.mitchell@northtyneside.gov.uk)







Contact details

Alison Mitchell Head of Governance
0191 643 5720

Consultation period
