(Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Loading) (Consolidation) Order 2022

 (On Street Parking Places) (Consolidation) Order 2022

Variation Orders 2024


North Tyneside Council gives notice that it proposes to make variation orders under Sections 1, 2, 4, 32, 35 and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling powers. The effect of the orders, if made, will be to vary the following orders as detailed below:


the North Tyneside (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Loading) (Consolidation) Order 2022, so that:

no waiting at any time restrictions be introduced on the following lengths of road:

Bedford Street, North Shields

North-east side, at its junction with Saville Street, to a point 30m south-east of its junction with Saville Street.
South-west side, at its junction with West Percy Street, to a point 12m north of its junction with West Percy Street.

Nile Street, North Shields

North-east side, at its junction with Albion Road, to a point 15m south-east of its junction with Albion Road.
South-west side, at its junction with Albion Road, to a point 15m south-east of its junction with Albion Road.
East side, at its junction with West Percy Street, to a point 5m south of its junction with West Percy Street.

Russell Street, North Shields

North-west side, at its junction with Nile Street, to its junction with Bedford Street.
South-east side, at its junction with Beford Street, to a point 9m south-west of its junction with Bedford Street.
Across the junction mouth at Bedford Street, from the north western kerbline to the south eastern kerbline.

d)   West Percy Street, North Shields

South side, at its junction with Sidney Street, to a point 10 north-east of its junction with Nile Street.
South side, at a point 3m south-west of its junction with Bedford Street, to its junction with Church Way.

e)   Wellington Street, North Shields

North-west side, at its junction with Bedford Street, to its junction with Rudyerd Street.
South-east side, at its junction with Little Bedford Street, to its junction with Rudyerd Street.
South-east side, at its junction with Bedford Street, to a point 11m south-west of its junction with Bedford Street.


No loading/unloading at any time restrictions be introduced on the following lengths of road:

Nile Street, North Shields

North-west side, at its junction with Bedford Street, to a point 42m south-west of its junction with Bedford Street.

Russell Street, North Shields

North-west side, at its junction with Nile Street, to its junction with Bedford Street.
South-east side, at its junction with Beford Street, to a point 9m south-west of its junction with Bedford Street.
Across the junction mouth at Bedford Street, from the north western kerbline to the south eastern kerbline.

Wellington Street, North Shields

North-west side, at its junction with Bedford Street, to its junction with Rudyerd Street.
South-east side, at its junction with Little Bedford Street, to its junction with Rudyerd Street.
South-east side, at its junction with Bedford Street, to a point 11m south-west of its junction with Bedford Street.


Goods vehicles loading only, at any time on any day be introduced on the following lengths of road:

Russell Street, North Shields

South-east side, at its junction with Nile Street, to a point 9m south-west of its junction with Bedford Street.

Wellington Street, North Shields

South-east side, at a point 11m south-west of its junction with Bedford Street, to a point 30m south-west of its junction with Bedford Street.


No stopping except taxis, 6pm-8am restrictions be introduced on the following lengths of road:

Wellington Street, North Shields

South-east side, at a point 30m south-west of its junction with Bedford Street, to its junction with Little Bedford Street.


Loading only, 8am-6pm restrictions be introduced on the following lengths of road:

Wellington Street, North Shields

South-east side, at a point 30m south-west of its junction with Bedford Street, to its junction with Little Bedford Street.


Loading bay, at all times restrictions be introduced on the following lengths of road:

Nile Street, North Shields

North-east side, at its junction with Russell Street, to a point 22m north-west of its junction with Russell Street.

West Percy Street, North Shields

At a point 10m north-east of its junction with Nile Street, to a point 3m south-west of its junction with Bedford Street.


 no waiting at any time restrictions on the following lengths of road be revoked:

Bedford Street, North Shields

(viii)South-west side, between its junction with Russell Street and its junction with Railway Street.

b)   Nile Street, North Shields

(i)   East side, between a point 12 metres north of its junction with Russell Street and its junction with Railway Terrace;

(ii)  East side, between its junction with Albion Road and a point 10 metres south of its junction with Albion Road;

(iii) East side, between its junction with West Percy Street and a point 10 metres south of its junction with West Percy Street;

(v)  West side, between a point 12 metres north of its junction with Russell Street and its junction with Russell Street; (vii) West side, between its junction with Albion Road and a point 7 metres south of its junction with Albion Road.

Russell Street, North Shields

Both sides, between a point 11 metres south-west of its junction with Nile Street and its junction with Bedford Street;


Wellington Street, North Shields on both sides, between its junction with Little Bedford Street and its junction with Bedford Street.

e)West Percy Street, North Shields

(vii) South side, from its junction with Sidney Street to its junction with Church Way.


No stopping except taxis, at any time on any day on the following lengths of road be revoked:

Wellington Street, North Shields on North side, from a point 26 metres north-east of its junction with Little Bedford Street to a point 38 metres north-east of that junction.


Loading Bay 8am – 6pm Monday to Saturday – Good Vehicles Only on the following lengths of road be revoked:



the North Tyneside (On Street Parking Places) (Consolidation) Order 2022 so that:


Parking Places with a Parking Charge (08.30am – 5.30pm, Monday to Saturday, 2p per minute (exemption for valid permit holders) be revoked on:

Nile Street, North Shields - east side, from a point 10 metres south of its junction with Albion Road to a point 41 metres south of its junction with Albion Road.
Nile Street, North Shields - east side, from a point 39 metres north of its junction with Russell Street to a point 12 metres north of its junction with Russell Street.
Nile Street, North Shields - west side, from a point 7 metres south of its junction with Albion Road to a point 5 metres north of its junction with West Percy Street.


Parking Places with a Parking Charge (08.30am – 5.30pm, Monday to Saturday, 2p per minute (exemption for valid permit holders) be introduced on:

Nile Street, North Shields - east side, from a point 15 metres south of its junction with Albion Road to a point 41 metres south of its junction with Albion Road.
Nile Street, North Shields - east side, from a point 5 metres south of its junction with West Percy Street to a point 22 metres north of its junction with Russell Street.
Nile Street, North Shields - west side, from a point 13 metres south of its junction with Albion Road to a point 5 metres north of its junction with West Percy Street.


Further details of the proposals may be examined in the documents available on the Council’s website (Statutory Notices). If you wish to object to the proposals, you should send the grounds for your objection in writing to the undersigned or via email to by 13 August 2024. Any objections received may be published as part of any reports to councillors on the matter.


If you need us to do anything differently (reasonable adjustments) to help you access our services, including providing this information in another language or format, please contact or telephone 0191 643 6500.


23 July 2024

Director of Regeneration and Economic Development, Quadrant, Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, NE27 0BY