Local Housing Allowance

Make a claim

If you are a private tenant renting a property or room from a private landlord and you are on a low income you may be able to claim and receive Local Housing Allowance if any of the following circumstances apply to you:

  • you have reached pensionable age (and if you have a partner they have also reached pensionable age or, if your partner is under pensionable age, you are receiving Pension Credit)
  • you have been assessed as homeless and placed in temporary accommodation by the Local Authority
  • you are living in accommodation where you are provided with more than minimum care, support or supervision and your landlord is an English non-metropolitan county, a DWP funded resettlement hostel, a housing association, a registered charity or a voluntary organisation

Make a claim


From 2 May 2018 Universal Credit has been fully rolled out in North Tyneside. This is a government benefit that has replaced Housing Benefit for most working age claimants, so if none of the above circumstances apply you are not eligible for Housing Benefit and you need to make a claim for Universal Credit to help pay your rent.


See Universal Credit for more information.

  • you have reached pensionable age (and if you have a partner they have also reached pensionable age or, if your partner is under pensionable age, you are receiving Pension Credit)
  • you have been assessed as homeless and placed in temporary accommodation by the Local Authority
  • you are living in accommodation where you are provided with more than minimum care, support or supervision and your landlord is an English non-metropolitan county, a DWP funded resettlement hostel, a housing association, a registered charity or a voluntary organisation

Calculate your benefit

Get an estimate of the benefit you may receive using our Benefits calculator.

Room calculator

Use our Room Calculator for an instant calculation to show how many bedrooms you are entitled to.

If you are a Council or social housing tenant and receive housing benefit, use the Room Calculator to see if your house is considered too big for your needs. This will affect the amount of housing benefit you can claim.

If you are a pensioner these rules do not apply.


Local Housing Allowance rates for 1st April 2024 – 31st March 2025 for tenants of private landlords living in North Tyneside

Number of bedrooms Weekly amount Calendar monthly amount
Shared Accommodation / Under 35 rate £87.76 £381.34
1 Bedroom £112.77 £490.01
2 Bedroom £126.58 £550.02
3 Bedroom £149.59 £650.00
4 Bedroom £212.88 £925.01

Further information

For further information please visit GOV.UK, or download the document below.

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