Role of the Partnership
Safer North Tyneside Partnership is a statutory body and is made up of statutory partners such as North Tyneside Council, Northumbria Police, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board, Probation Service and Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service. The Board meets on a quarterly basis and the notes of these meetings can be found below.
The purpose of the Partnership is to work together to develop and deliver the Community Safety Strategy to help reduce crime and disorder problems across the borough. A strategic needs assessment is completed on an annual basis and this helps partners to identify the priority areas. A five year strategy is produced and refreshed on an annual basis. Along with the strategic needs assessment, consultation is also conducted to give residents the opportunity to express their opinions.
What our communities tell us
How safe people feel in their local neighbourhood is closely linked to how satisfied they are with the Borough as a whole. Low levels of crime continue to be rated as the most important aspect of making somewhere a good place to live. Understanding attitudes toward crime and safety is therefore of fundamental importance.
The Safer North Tyneside Board are committed to listening to what our communities are telling us and regularly review the Safer Communities Survey and the Residents Survey to help focus and drive forward the work of the Partners. The latest residents survey results show that resident's perception of safety after dark has significantly decreased since 2016, despite the borough having low levels of crime and ASB compared to national, regional and peer comparators. 89% of residents feel safe in the local area during the day and 45% at night.