Public Health

Recently published disclosures

FOI-3121 Dog Fouling
FOI-1779 Access Officer(s)
FOI-1665 Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)
FOI-1793 Fines Issued For The Illegal Sale of Vaping Products to Under-18s
FOI-108 Natasha's Law
FOI-854 Sexual Health Clinic Closures
EIR-756 Hand Gathering in Intertidal Areas
FOI-562 Contraceptive Services
FOI-544 Illegal Vapes
FOI-410 Integrated Sexual Health Service Contract
EIR-436 High Carbon Infrastructure and Fossil Fuel Extraction Planning
EIR-498 Air Quality in the Tyne Tunnel
FOI-348 Domiciliary Care
FOI-335 Out-of-Area Placements for Adults with Learning Difficulties, Mental Health Disorders and Complex Needs
FOI-322 Londis Digitial Advertising Board
FOI-304 Homelessness Data
FOI-354 Mental Health Absence In Schools
EIR-317 Carbon Footprint
FOI-336 Long COVID Support For Managers And Employees
FOI-350 Healthy Child Programme
FOI-259 Compensation to Council Tenants due to Mould
EIR-255 5G
FOI-310 Housing Standards in Rented Properties
FOI-156 Excess Winter Deaths, Illnesses and Health Risks Associated With Cold Homes
FOI-160 Suicide Prevention for Veterans
apillomavirus vaccine and parents who do not give their child permission to be vaccinated
Cost of Covid 19 marketing and advertising campaigns
Covid 19 advertising and marketing and vaccination centres
Public health funerals
Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board
Domestic Homicide Reviews
Treatment for alcohol addiction
Adult neurological and mental health services
Children of Alcohol Dependent Parents Innovation Fund
Public health funerals
FOI3684 Public Health visiting teams
Reports of alleged Covid breaches at places of worship
Domestic violence incidents
Spend on pest control
Carer Covid vaccines
Covid testing
Dogs seized in breach of Rabies Order 1974
Abandoned dogs
Complaint of alleged workplace covid-19 violations between 23/3/2020 to 20/1/2021
CCG funded health worker
Civil Enforcement Officer positive or ever had to self-isolate from coronavirus / covid-19
Prevention of transmission of Covid 19 on school busses
Taping off of seating along the coast due to corona virus.
Register, directory, database or any other list of Complementary and Alternative medicines (CAM) practitioners
Floating Support services