Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document

Consultation details

Alongside work on the Community Infrastructure Levy the Council have also sought to update the existing Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). This SPD provides guidance on how the Council will seek planning obligations (through section 106 agreements) from infrastructure not listed in the draft Regulation 123 List.

Consultation on the draft SPD was carried out alongside consultation on the Draft Charging Schedule (DCS) in autumn 2017.

Notification for both consultations included direct notification by email or letter to stakeholders and others on the planning policy consultation database. Notice was also placed on the Council’s website. Public consultation was also advertised in the local press and a workshop was arranged with representatives from the development industry.

All consultation documents were available on the Council’s website with paper copies available at Quadrant and the main libraries. Comments are still being collated and will be reported to Cabinet in Spring 2018. The authority would like to thank everyone who shared their views as part of this engagement exercise.

Contact details

Peter Slegg
0191 643 6308

Consultation period
