Education and Schools

Recently published disclosures

Schools with vacancies
School Uniform Grant
electively home educated children
Children a fixed period exclusion
independent (fee-paying) schools in the area which are also charities
Auditory Processing Disorder/APD
Pupil managed moves and negotiated transfers
Home educated children
School admissions
Elective Home Education
membership of the Association of Elective Home Education Professionals
Elective home education
school children numbers by age
Non-independent schools
School appeals
children missing from education
home educated children
Children missing from Education
Children missing education
Education health care plan EHCP
Home education
School allocation
Counil spend on legal fees regarding special educational needs
Students transferred to "Educationally subnormal"
Non school attendance fines
home education
Free school meals
Alternative education providers
Disabled Facilities Grants and SEN (Special Education Needs and disabilities)
co-opting of representatives of religious organisations to the committee or committees dealing with education matters
Monkseaton Middle School Asbestos Surveys
SEN Funding
School covid funding
Education Health Care Plan
Asbestos register and management plan Monkseaton Middle School 1970 - 1985
restrictive interventions in schools and behaviour management
Bullying and racism in schools
A breakdown per year and per month of the number of deliberate school fires where the cause was listed as arson.
Schools with Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP)
School vacancies and in-year admissions information.
Home educated children
Childrens services referrals from schools
CSSB (Central Schools Services Block)
Penalty Notices for Non School Attendance
Spend on services to young people in the financial years 2019/20 and 2020/21 under Section 251 the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009
Absence and persistent absence data for each school
children on an education, health and care plan (EHCP)
sexual activity by a person who was potentially in a Position of Trust
Home educated children
Schools and excluded students