Education and Schools

Recently published disclosures

children on an education, health and care plan (EHCP)
sexual activity by a person who was potentially in a Position of Trust
Cost of supporting individuals with learning disabilities
Traded services to schools
school admissions to Wellfield Middle School in the school year of 2019/20 for year 5.
Information regarding supported living services for adults with learning disabilities (LD,) mental health (MH) and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
Number on Roll (NOR) data from the Spring 2020 School Census
children on an education, health and care plan (EHCP)
adults (ages 18-64) with learning disabilities in long term care
Local authority funding early years providers during the autumn term 2020
Figures for home to school transport
North Tyneside Local Education Authority Backup Policy for the North Tyneside Local Education Authority's Office 365 deployment
Private tutors
FOI 2027 Home Education
FOI2032 Maintained Schools Attendance
FOI1854 - Education Health and Care Plan
FOI1932 - Primary and Secondary Schools
FOI 1624 - Asbestos in Schools
FOI1753 - Mainstream Maintained Schools
FOI1776 Schools that opt out of a daily worship
FOI1672 Schools determination to alter the character of collective worship
FOI1446 Early Help Care Plans
FOI1357 Notifications of removal from school roll
FOI1503 SEND children aged 0-18
FOI1278 Alternative Education Provision
FOI1509 School Management Information System (MIS) supplier
FOI1457 School age children recorded as Code B (Educated Offsite)
FOI1542 Severe allergic reactions in schools
FOI1463 Parental licence to enter school premises withdrawn
FOI1484 SATs Exam Rates
FOI1501 School Uniform Grant
FOI1501 School Uniform
FOI1464 Exclusion of Pupils
FOI1417 NCCIS returns to DfE
FOI1239 Number of Children by year group at Wellfield Middle School
FOI1329 Oversubscribed middle schools
FOI1021 SEND Support and EHCP
FOI1360 Fair access protocols
FOI1092 Primary, infanct and Junior school oversubscribed or not-oversubscribed on national offer day 2019
RFI 1708068 Halal meat
RFI 1708045 School capacity
RFI 1707084 Fines issued to parents for children being out of school
RFI 1707088 school class sizes
RFI 1706096 - Permanent school exclusions
RFI 1707037 - School Admissions
RFI 1706037 - Reception and Year 6 place applications
RFI 1705062 Statement of Special Educational Needs