State Of The Area event 2020 INFORMATION ONLY
Consultation details
Every year the Elected Mayor calls for a State of the Area event as detailed in the Council’s Constitution. The Authority’s approach to the event this year was somewhat restricted as it had to be conducted in-line with Government COVID-19 secure guidelines. In person, face to face engagement was not able to take place so for the first time the event was held online.
This year the State of the Area was based around recovery and concentrated on four main topics climate change, community resilience, town centre recovery and developing an inclusive economy which were key topics highlighted as priorities by residents in the Big Community Conversation 2020 and they are also important aspects in the council’s recovery plan.
Engagement with residents and stakeholders at this year’s State of the Area Event took place in four separate sessions, on four different days, over a two-week period between 24th November and 4th December 2020. Each session focused on one of the topics, climate change, community resilience, town centre recovery or the inclusive economy. Attendance was high with 122 different people (excluding facilitators), taking part.
The Elected Mayor, the Chair of the Council, the Young Mayor and Member for Youth Parliament gave a welcome and set the context for the event in a short video at the beginning of the session.
The workshops consisted of presentations and then further discussion with opportunity to give views and suggest ideas in break out rooms. The delegates came together at the end to give feedback.
The supporting documents now includes the Councils Climate Emergency Action Plan.