Children and Families Social Care

Recently published disclosures

FOI-308 Referrals and Placements for Children's Social Care
FOI-354 Mental Health Absence In Schools
FOI-362 Warm Banks
FOI-350 Healthy Child Programme
FOI-257 Home Education
FOI-289 Section 17 Children's Act 1989
FOI-316 Childcare Survey
FOI-328 Charity Organisation Permissions
FOI-274 Asylum Seekers Placed In Hotel Accomodation
FOI-224 Looked After Children
FOI-320 Ukrainian Refugee Housing
FOI-205 Looked After Children Placements
FOI-174 Looked After Children
FOI-165 Individuals with Learning Disabilities Living in Supported Living and Residential Care
FOI-132 Children Registered Blind or Partially Sighted
FOI-136 Electively Home Educated Children
FOI-126 Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children
FOI-116 Care Homes
Safeguarding Disabled Children
FOI4457 - Local Authority funding for free entitlement for two, three and four-year-olds
Referrals to children's social care made by schools
Deaths of children known to social services
people arriving in the country illegally ie boat people through Dover etc are being accommodated in North Tyneside
Statutory independent advocacy
Care homes - handed back contracts
fostering service provision
Reporting domestic abusers to the police
Child abuse cases
Social Care Support
Looked after children
apillomavirus vaccine and parents who do not give their child permission to be vaccinated
Afghanistan Resettlement programmes ARAP + ACRS
bias against domestic abuse victims/ survivors
Social Care temporary agency staffing management and spend
School Uniform Grant
Vacant Children social worker roles
families with children with additional needs under the age of 5 currently receiving help
community disability equipment
number of people waiting for care packages
children receiving early help services
Looked after children
Nurseries and childrens centres sold
Auditory Processing Disorder/APD
migrant unaccompanied minors
Looked after children
Looked after children
Asylum seeking children (UASC)
Looked after children
Childrens Social Care Case Management System
Social Worker Standards Health Check