Children and Families Social Care

Recently published disclosures

FOI1821 - Children's Commissioners, Placements and Learning Disability Team Managers
FOI1832 - Prevention and Relief Duty
FOI1844 - Looked After Children
FOI1859 - Budget timeline for Learning Disability Services
FOI1944 - Mental Health Support Teams
FOI1770 Care Leaver Offer
FOI1597 Leaving care grant
FOI1508 Floating support for young people
FOI1680 Children in Care Strategy
FOI1081 SEND Provision
FOI1663 EU Settlement Scheme
FOI1616 Weekly foster care allowances
FOI1446 Early Help Care Plans
FOI1527 Children's home placements
FOI1575 Children placed in unregistered care provision
FOI1579 Young people living in independent, supported or semi-supported accommodation
FOI1559 Safeguarding referrals concerning respite care
FOI1529 EHCP assessments
FOI1503 SEND children aged 0-18
FOI1193 Looked After Children with ASD
FOI1543 Privately-run children's homes
FOI1500 Children taken into care
FOI1531 Young people in care
FOI1494 Child Protection Investigations
FOI1501 School Uniform Grant
FOI1507 Children in care part of a sibling group
FOI1485 NE12 Childrens Contract
FOI1434 Children registered as disabled
FOI1311 Case management system for children’s services
FOI1380 Regional Adoption Agency (RAA)
FOI1390 Non-national children accommodated under section 20 of the Children Act 1989
FOI1034 Children’s SEN placements
FOI1382 Education Management Information Software System
FOI1313 Forced Adoptions
FOI1199 Habilitation services for children and young people with vision impairment
FOI1358 Abuse of children accused of witchcraft
FOI1308 Education, Health and Care Plans and assessments (EHCP)
FOI1291 Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)
FOI1298 DFG funded major bathroom adaptations
FOI1344 Provision of support to families with no recourse to Public Funds
RFI 1709019 Foster Care
RFI 1709024 Child Social Work Assessments
RFI 1709025 Vietnamese Children
RFI 1708093 Refugees
RFI 1708058 Adoption Support Funding
RFI 1708032 Child sexual exploitation
RFI 1709022 Care homes
RFI 1707098 unaccompanied asylum-seeking children
RFI 1708013 children’s residential care homes outsourced
RFI 1707029 - Community Equipment Services