Children and Families Social Care

Recently published disclosures

Social Worker Standards Health Check
Children's Social Care case management system
Children taken into care mental health
Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board
support for children with multi-sensory impairment
Domestic Homicide Reviews
families with No Recourse to Public Funds
How many mentally incapacitated individuals for whom the council currently act as Deputy.
specialist provisions for children and young people with language disorder
Total Early Years Funding Formula
Children in care
Youth centers and youth clubs
Protections afforded by Local Authorities to young LGBT people in the area.
Transitions Team Manager and the age range of the people supported
Education health care plan EHCP
Looked after children living in unregulated accommodation
Children of Alcohol Dependent Parents Innovation Fund
Social care management and providers
Children recorded as missing Between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2021
Foster care placements by ethnicity
Referrals to childrens services by ethnicity
Children in foster care
Temporary social workers
bed and breakfast accommodation
Foster care fees
Child poverty levels
Free school meals
Age testing of asylum seekers
Post adoption letterboxes
Looked after children
EU, European Economic Area (EEA), Swiss national children, or children who may be able to apply for the Settlement Scheme through a family member
Care packages
Unaccompanied under-age asylum seekers
Unaccompanied under-age asylum seekers
Education Health Care Plan
Unaccompanied asylum seeking children
Looked after children missing
Emotional and mental health of your children in care
Number of young carers
Fees for independent sector care homes
Looked after children accomodation
restrictive interventions in schools and behaviour management
Looked after children with disabilities
Bullying and racism in schools
Data regarding the number of referrals received concerning child criminal exploitation
Childrens services referrals from schools
Local Authority funding for free entitlement for three and four-year-olds
Spend on services to young people in the financial years 2019/20 and 2020/21 under Section 251 the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009
Chidren's centres closed during pandemic
spend on domiciliary care