Children and Families Social Care

Recently published disclosures

Home visits carried out to people receiving social care support by social care workers and/or personal assistants
list of private adoption and fostering agencies that the local authority business with
children on an education, health and care plan (EHCP)
sexual activity by a person who was potentially in a Position of Trust
Cost of supporting individuals with learning disabilities
Looked after children
Looked after children
children referred to local authority
Safeguarding Children
Health visitor courses regarding parenting skills
Numbers of young people ceasing to be looked after by North Tyneside Council
qualified social workers were working on a temporary (agency) basis
children on an education, health and care plan (EHCP)
Referrals made to the Routes Home programme
Children within the authority in any kind of foster care placement
Free Nursery Places
Supported living
Special Educational Needs structure chart
Special Educational Needs provision
Looked after children
Child victims of modern slavery/human trafficking
Looked after children
Missing children
Foster carers
Looked after children
Looked after children
FOI2265 looked-after children
Unregulated children's homes
FOI2175 fair access protocol
Care leavers
FOI2201 Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015
FOI2124 Authority Care and Reablement Services
FOI2126 Children on a care order under s.31 Children Act 1989
FOI1890 S.31 care proceedings
FOI2028 Looked After Children
FOI1582 Looked After Children
FOI1620 Unregulated social care placements
FOI2033 Children in the care
FOI1736 Direct Payment
FOI1871 Mental Health Provision
FOI1959 number of foster placements
FOI1674 Social Care Posts
FOI1837 Home to School Transport
FOI1946 Return Home Interviews
FOI1857 Returning UK children from conflict in Syria
FOI1716 Accommodation for looked after children
FOI1799 - Recruitment and retention of qualified and registered social workers employed in children's services departments
FOI1786 - Section 7 of the Care Planning, Placement and
FOI1785 - Current child employment license/permits